Question : -2147467259 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]Connectio<wbr />nWrite(Wra<wbr />pperWrite(<wbr />))

I recently rebuilt a VB6 form that used RDO replacing it with ADO. There are 5 record sets on the form which are place in grids. I use a single connection attached to the record sets. Every 30 seconds I close the connection setting it to nothing and reopen it then rebuilding the record sets attaching them to the grids. I have tried using a connection for each record set with the same results.

Using MSSQL Server 2000 SP3
RDO worked fine with no errors!


This is a serious problem which has no well defined solution on the Internet.
I would offer more point if I could. This is a complicated problem!

Answer : -2147467259 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]Connectio<wbr />nWrite(Wra<wbr />pperWrite(<wbr />))

Searched the Internet over for a solution which there is no definitive answer.

Reverting back to RDO. This is my solution.

Thanks for the help with this question.

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