Question : How can I successfully install .NET FrameworK 2.0?

I have attempted to install .NET Framework 2.0 from the Microsoft download site, but the installation fails. The message I get is shown in the screenshot below.

Please let me know what I need to do to ensure that I can install .NET Framework successfully.


Answer : How can I successfully install .NET FrameworK 2.0?


OK, much later, I have managed to solve the problem with your link as a guide. I certainly would not have known where to start without that. However for me the instructions given in that link are inadequate for someone who is not in the habit of creating New Keys in the Registry. To save anyone else having to follow link, the link gave this in full:-


"Error 0x80131702 when installing .Net framework 2.0 Redist

The other day I encounter a problem when installing .Net framework 2.0 redist. It is a fresh install on a clean Windows XPSP2 machine.

During the install, setup pops up a dialog says LoadLibraryShim failed to locate fusion.dll, hr=0x80131702.

From CorError.h (in you .Net framework SDK include directory):
#define CLR_E_SHIM_INSTALLROOT            EMAKEHR(0x1702)     // Install root is not defined

The error means mscoree cannot find where the installroot is.

InstallRoot is a registry value of type REG_SZ in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\.NetFramework. It usually points to "%windir%\Microsoft.Net\Framework" in x86 and "%windir%\Microsoft.Net\Framework64" in x64/ia64 (replace %windir% with your real Windows directory.)

After I added the InstallRoot registry, the setup can be resumed and finished successfully."


That's no doubt OK for a savvy IT guy, but for someone like me with WinXP and all the updates I needed detailed instructions. In the event this is the sequence I followed (after lots of trial and error):

1. If you're not too sure about editing the Registry, Back-up it up
2. Go to Start/Run, type in RegEdit, press OK

3. In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE find Microsoft/.NetFramework
4. If .NetFramework doesnt exist create it as a new key by right clicking on Microsoft and selecting New/Key and naming it .NetFramework   Note: The fullstop/period in front of the word NetFramework
5. Right click on .NetFramework and select New/String Value naming it InstallRoot
Note: There in no space in the word InstallRoot
6. In the right hand pane double click the newly created Key now called InstallRoot and in the Value Data box put C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework
then press OK.  Note: The exact full string - there is no mistake.
7. Close RegEdit

8. Dowload and install .NetFramework from:

I hope this solution will be helpful for anyone who encounters similar problems installing Microsoft's .NETFramework.


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