Question : Access 2003 delete buttons greyed out

I have MS Access 2003 installed and have been using it on a new computer for the last month. Everything was working fine until yesterday when I tried to delete an object (form, report, macro, any object) from the main menu... I can't delete anything from the UI: the delete button is greyed out, and when I right-click on an object, the context menu that pops up also has the delete option greyed out.  

I can, however, delete an object using a command (such as the DeleteObject command in a macro...) -- only the user interface delete is unavailable. This is not limited to one database -- it happens even in other databases that have been unused for some time now.

I've looked at all the Options (including security) and can't see anything that makes sense for this problem... I'm hoping I don't have to re-install everything...

Answer : Access 2003 delete buttons greyed out

its time to do a witch hunt on what is causing the problem.

get hold of one of the computer that has problem,
remove one at a time the recent programs that was installed,
reboot after removal before running the Access program.

good luck!!!
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