Question : Access Form using SQL to pull data from Terradata database
I have some SQL code which is run against an NCR Terradata database using NCR Queryman. I was hoping to integrate this code into an access (97) database.
I am looking to have a simple access form where I have a field to input the value specified as "ROT.Address_Line4" and also another field for the variable specified as "BPR.Base_Product_Number = 57574598".
This would allow me to have an access form where a user would simply enter the address value and the product number and hopefully retrieve the relevant results without having manipulate the SQL.
Can anyone help as access and SQL are not my strong points.
The SQL I use in Queryman to pull the required data is:
SELECT CAL.Calendar_Date ,ROT.Retail_Outlet_Number ,BPR.Base_Product_Number ,Stock_Holding_Qty ,Stock_Holding_Wgt ,Stock_Count_Ind FROM VWI0DCL_STR_CLOSING_STK_ALL DCL INNER JOIN VWI0ROT_RETAIL_OUTLET ROT ON ROT.Retail_Outlet_Number = DCL.Retail_Outlet_Number INNER JOIN VWI0CAL_SMALL_CALENDAR CAL ON CAL.Calendar_Date = DCL.Calendar_Date INNER JOIN VWI7BPR_BASE_PRODUCT_SNAPSHOT BPR ON BPR.Base_Product_Number = DCL.Base_Product_Number WHERE CAL.Calendar_Date = DATE -1 AND ROT.Address_Line4 = 'LOTHIAN' AND BPR.Base_Product_Number = 57574598
Answer : Access Form using SQL to pull data from Terradata database
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you, been a bit busy.
I actually do a lot of Access/Teradata interaction - unfortunately, the only way for you to run this sort of dynamic query is to do it all in VBA. (As far as I know). Pass-through queries are great as long as you don't have variables you want to work with.
For example, here's some of the VBA I use to run a query and get a recordset returned. As you can see, it's pretty long, though there's a lot of unnecessary stuff in there. Once you have a recordset, you can export that however you want. Let me know where you get stuck.
Public Sub RunPassThroughQuery(StartDate As Date, EndDate As Date, Username As String, Password As String)
Dim PassThroughSQL As String Dim FixedStartDate As String Dim FixedEndDate As String Dim oConn As ADODB.Connection Dim oRec As ADODB.Recordset Dim conStr As String 'connection string Dim rConn As ADODB.Connection Dim strDir As String On Error GoTo ErrorHandle 'setup rConn (resultset connection) Set rConn = CurrentProject.Connection 'setup oConn (opened connection) and recordset 'cursorlocation pulls all of the data to the client instead of running 'a cursort from the database server Set oConn = New ADODB.Connection Set oRec = New ADODB.Recordset oConn.CursorLocation = adUseClient 'open database connection oConn.Open "Driver={Teradata};DBCName=[my DBCName];Database=[My Database];Connect Timeout=1000;Uid=" & Username & ";Pwd=" & Password 'set this high so the query won't timeout oConn.CommandTimeout = 1000
'fix the dates to Teradata format If Len(DatePart("m", StartDate)) = 1 And Len(DatePart("d", StartDate)) = 1 Then FixedStartDate = DatePart("yyyy", StartDate) & "-0" & DatePart("m", StartDate) & "-0" & DatePart("d", StartDate) ElseIf Len(DatePart("m", StartDate)) = 1 And Len(DatePart("d", StartDate)) <> 1 Then FixedStartDate = DatePart("yyyy", StartDate) & "-0" & DatePart("m", StartDate) & "-" & DatePart("d", StartDate) ElseIf Len(DatePart("m", StartDate)) <> 1 And Len(DatePart("d", StartDate)) = 1 Then FixedStartDate = DatePart("yyyy", StartDate) & "-" & DatePart("m", StartDate) & "-0" & DatePart("d", StartDate) Else FixedStartDate = DatePart("yyyy", StartDate) & "-" & DatePart("m", StartDate) & "-" & DatePart("d", StartDate) End If If Len(DatePart("m", EndDate)) = 1 And Len(DatePart("d", EndDate)) = 1 Then FixedEndDate = DatePart("yyyy", EndDate) & "-0" & DatePart("m", EndDate) & "-0" & DatePart("d", EndDate) ElseIf Len(DatePart("m", EndDate)) = 1 And Len(DatePart("d", EndDate)) <> 1 Then FixedEndDate = DatePart("yyyy", EndDate) & "-0" & DatePart("m", EndDate) & "-" & DatePart("d", EndDate) ElseIf Len(DatePart("m", EndDate)) <> 1 And Len(DatePart("d", EndDate)) = 1 Then FixedEndDate = DatePart("yyyy", EndDate) & "-" & DatePart("m", EndDate) & "-0" & DatePart("d", EndDate) Else FixedEndDate = DatePart("yyyy", EndDate) & "-" & DatePart("m", EndDate) & "-" & DatePart("d", EndDate) End If 'Here's the large SQL query [it's really long in reality] PassThroughSQL = "select * from usertable" 'debugging - outputs query to file 'fhandle = FreeFile(0) 'strDir = "h:\projects\access\contracts\query.txt"
'Open strDir For Output As #fhandle 'Print #fhandle, PassThroughSQL 'Close #fhandle 'Exit Sub 'Run the SQL command on the Teradata warehouse oRec.Open PassThroughSQL, oConn 'set other attributes if necessary 'Make sure there are records to pull - if not there's some 'sort of development/recordset problem If oRec.RecordCount < 1 Then MsgBox "There were no records to import. This is probably a bug, please contact development." Exit Sub End If
' this is the section where I do a row-by-row insert of the recordset into my database. ' this is where you would do your output to text, screen, or Excel since you're not storing it in a table 'cleanup oRec.Close oConn.Close rConn.Close Exit Sub ErrorHandle:
MsgBox Error() Exit Sub
End Sub