Question : How to SElect only Top row from datatable

I am selecting rows from a datatable - my selection returns multiple rows,  but I only wawnt the first one.  I am using a try vcatch with a break to kill the loop after the first row (I am importing the rows into another table that has unique constraint that prevents additional rows being imported)

How can I use the SQL statement such as "Select Top 1 ActivityID" in a Datatable SElect?
 foreach (DataRow cRow in dsCertifications.Tables[0].Rows)
                int findme = int.Parse(cRow[1].ToString());
                DataRow[] foundrow = dtTranscript.Select("ActivityID="+findme, "EndDate DESC");
                if (foundrow != null)
                    foreach (DataRow found in foundrow)

Answer : How to SElect only Top row from datatable

foundrow[0] wil give the first row..

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