Question : IIF query using Like *


I am trying to build a report query from a combo box that populates with a union so I can add "All" to the list.  The all works fine on the box but I now need the IIF  I am using the following:

IIf([Forms]![frmReporting]![SrchVendor]='All',Like "'*'",[Forms]![frmReporting]![SrchVendor])

it works finr if I put a vendor number in the true side in the '2065' format.  How do I get the true portion to select all the records?

Answer : IIF query using Like *

try this in your query design view

field     Vendor

criteria  IIf([Forms]![frmReporting]![SrchVendor]='All',[Vendor],[Forms]![frmReporting]![SrchVendor])

note that [Vendor] in the criteria row must be the same as the name of the field.
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