Question : How do I get the time in HH:MM:SS format into a text file?

We're currently using the TIME /T function to put the time in hours and minutes into a text file.


time /t >>c:\timings.txt

The result we get placed in the text file is in the format HH:MM

However, we also need seconds as well, how do you accomplish this?

We're using Windows NT.

Answer : How do I get the time in HH:MM:SS format into a text file?

Hi Tommo1975,

Try this:
:: -------GETTIME.BAT---------
FOR /F "TOKENS=5-7 DELIMS=:. " %%F IN ('echo.^|time^|find "current"') DO (
  SET HH=%%F
  SET MM=%%G
  SET SS=%%H
:: -------GETTIME.BAT---------

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