Question : Join Access files within one folder


I have 14 access files (access databases) located in one folder.
Now every access file contains 5 different tables: Users, Accounts, Payroll, Begining_Balance, Closing_Balance.
 All the tables have the same headers and formats in all 14 Access files.

How do I join all those tables into 5 final tables (one Access file)?
I also need to add a field to each table which will contain the name of the file (database) to identify where particular data is coming from.

Please, feel free to ask any questions if you need more clarification on this.

Thank you.


Answer : Join Access files within one folder

CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO " & CStr(varTableName) & "SELECT *,  '" & Right(CStr(varDbName), InStrRev(varDbName, "\") + 1) & "' As TheAdditionalFieldName  FROM " & CStr(varTableName) & " IN " & CStr(varDbName) & ";"

Change "TheAdditionalFieldName" to the actual field name.

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