Question : Access 2000 Multi User Help

I have setup the Access data base using one of the inventory templates, and I have set this up using the user level security wizard, and User and Group Permissions

it is working perfectly on what I call the server, however I want to use dialup networking for other users with MS Access 2000 to use this database at the same time, however for now I would just like to get it working with one dialup connection and one other user,

I can see the other computers on the network and can use the folders and files, however I do not really understand what is meant by puting the complete database into a shared folder as suggested by ms access help index. I have only copied the shorcut that was made on my desktop to the shared folder on the server, and when I access it with the dialup computer it says no c:\windows\mydocuments\sercured.mdb or somthing,
I don't believe this is hard, however I am ingnorant of the proceedure to setup multi users, with regard to putting the data base into a shared folder, what is meant by this term? and clarifiy this proceedure please,

I am using win98 with dialup server feature

Answer : Access 2000 Multi User Help

You need to copy the file you pointed to as you typed it "c:\windows\mydocuments\sercured.mdb" from the "server" to your dial-up client computer because it needs that there, what it sounds like from your reporting the problem.

But better check out what the shortcut says to use.  For example right click your shortcut and select properties and see the shortcut tab to what is the full line says and make sure that where ever it says C:, or D: you also have that at home (dial-up).  That's wjhat it means when it says you put it in a shared folder.  At "work" you have a computer and it has a C: drive, now when you dial into it, how do you view that folder, is it as D: drive or F: drive, then your shortcut will not work as expected on both computers, because the folder at work is C: and the folder at home is D: or F: for example.

Please explain more on what yo uget as folder drives when you dial-in, other wise try copying the above mentioned file.

Good luck,

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