select distinct v0."LK" as "Lkey" from dt0 v0
inner join dt0v v1 on (v1."Field"=103533 and v1."FK_LK"=v0."PK")
inner join ACLEntry acl30 on (acl30."FK_ACL"=v0."FK_ACL")
WHERE ((acl30."FK_ACL"=v0."FK_ACL")) and ((((TO_NUMBER(v1."Value")=3.0))) and ((acl30."FK_Benutzer"=1 or acl30."FK_Gruppe" IN (6 , 1 , 2)) and acl30."Type"=\'r\') and v0."histtop"=\'Y\') ORDER BY v0."LK" desc
WHERE (v1."Field"=103533 and v1."FK_LK"=v0."PK") AND ((acl30."FK_ACL"=v0."FK_ACL")) and ((((TO_NUMBER(v1."Value")=3.0))) and ((acl30."FK_Benutzer"=1 or acl30."FK_Gruppe" IN (6 , 1 , 2)) and acl30."Type"=\'r\') and v0."histtop"=\'Y\') ORDER BY v0."LK" desc