Question : GridView.Column.Count = 0 When AutoGenerateColumns="True"<wbr />.
What I need to do is to iterate through the header row columns/cells determine if the column was sorted and insert a sort direction arrow. I am unable to iterate through the Header columns/cells. In the gridview ROWCREATED event the GridView.Columns.Count never yealds a value greater than 0. Apparently, this occurs when you have AutoGenerateColumns="True". Is there a work around?
Very simple setup of the gridview…
AutoGenerateColumns="True" Then from code behind… Bind a datatable to the grid.
ROWCREATED event the GridView.Columns.Count never yealds a value greater than 0
Answer : GridView.Column.Count = 0 When AutoGenerateColumns="True"<wbr />.
any feedback ?