Question : IntoPath-How to populate a non-repeating field with a repeating field value on a condition

I am trying to get a field in a non-repeating area to populate with a city name in another repeating field based on the Dest number equaling the Destination number entered in the 2nd table.  I am including a sample of this form.  What the result is, is that the non-repeating field populates ALWAYS with the first entry in the Destination repeating table.  I would like to match the Dest # in the calendar table with the DestCount in the destination table to populate the city they were in by the destination number.  Is there a way I can do this?  Thanks.

My current formula is:  ../my:group9/my:group10/my:DestCity[/my:myFields/my:group9/my:group10/my:DestCount = /my:myFields/my:Dest18]

I put an example of the form that I am trying to do this formula.  you must rename the extension to .xsn to view.

Answer : IntoPath-How to populate a non-repeating field with a repeating field value on a condition

You need to use a filter.

So when selecting the field in the designer click the filter button in the lower left.  Then you can setup the destination number comparison.

That essentialy gives you the where condition you are looking for.
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