Question : How to over-ride the "Delete Sub Folders and Files" special permission


Imagine I have folder "A" and in it is sub-folder "B". Both folders need to be protected from deletion. Not the contents, but just the folders as they are part of a structure I want to preserve on file server. However, I want users to be able to freely write and delete other files and folder contained in A. Just want to protect B. (There's a group of users access these folders).

So on folder A, I have special permissions set as in image 1. This allows reading and writing, and any files put into folder A inherit these permissions. To prevent the deletion of folder A, I set up a deny permission shown in image 2. This is made to apply to This Folder only.

Folder B. (Image 3) Here the permissions are almost the same but I this time "Delete Sub-folders and files is checked" since I want users to have full read-write access in there. I have also set up a deny permission (image 4), to stop Folder B being deleted.

This all works fine apart from one thing. A User cannot delete from folder B unless he/she is the owner of it. If I check "Delete subfolders and files" on Folder A, then sure, any users in the group can delete stuff, including the protectde folder B. This is because the DENY delete setting shown in image 04 does not over-ride the setting "Delete subfolders and files" on Folder A if I turn it on?


Met too, I'm going home now.

Both A and B have Special permisions

Answer : How to over-ride the "Delete Sub Folders and Files" special permission

I have tested on a Windows Server 2003 Standard server successfully.
As long as the user is a member of the group the deny should take precedence.

The only thing I can suggest is make sure the user in question is not the one who created the folder, if so they are classified as the owner and can then delete.
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