function LookUpRequestComments(tr, intCall)
var svc = document.getElementById("service");
if (svc)
{// the web service div was found - perform the validation
if (svc.svcCRSMaintenance)
var intNum = GetRequestNumber(tr);
// call the web service, passing the table row as an extra argument so the callback function
// can access it as this.args[3]
svc.svcCRSMaintenance.callService(GetRequestComments, "DMSGetRequestComments", intNum, tr);
function GetRequestComments(result)
{// handles the result of the payment and business type validation call
// returning a string error message
if (!result.error)
{// an error
var strComments = result.value;
if (strComments.length == 0)
strComments = "This request does not have any comments.";
{// an error occurred
strComments = "The comments could not be retrieved.";
// assign the comments to the table row that was passed as the extra argument
this.args[3].title = strComments;