Question : closing form without saving

hi Experts,

I have a bound form in datasheet view with a close button.  If I made changes to the grid, and press Close, i do not want to save any changes I made to the grid. I want it to be at the same state as i opened it.

I tried this in the onclick event of the button.

If MsgBox("Do you want to Cancel saving this record?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
     DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
End if

It did not work.  i even tried to use the Me.Dirty but it always returns false.

Do I need to set a property so Dirty will return true or Me.undo will work?

Please help.


Answer : closing form without saving

thenelson, that does not work as well.
I just did a not so elegant solution, I just delete the current record when exiting.
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