Question : Need help with SQL INSERT query

I'm trying to build an insert query that will insert rows into tblProduct from tblSource only when the rows in tblSource are not already present in tblProduct.  Here's what I have so far:

INSERT INTO tblProduct
                      (ProductNumber, IMProductNumber, ProductDescription, MSRP, IMPrice, Weight, Length, Width, Height, Taxable, fkManufacturer)
SELECT     TOP (5) tblIngramMicroImport.VendorPartNumber, tblIngramMicroImport.IMPartNumber,
                      tblIngramMicroImport.Description1 + ' ' + tblIngramMicroImport.Description2 AS Description, tblIngramMicroImport.RetailPrice,
                      tblIngramMicroImport.CustomerPrice, tblIngramMicroImport.Weight, tblIngramMicroImport.Length, tblIngramMicroImport.Width,
                      tblIngramMicroImport.Height, 1 AS Taxable, 1 AS fkManufacturer
FROM         tblIngramMicroImport INNER JOIN
                      tblProduct AS tblProduct_1 ON tblIngramMicroImport.VendorPartNumber <> tblProduct_1.ProductNumber

This works fine except it always inserts the rows into tblProduct regardless of them already being there.  I'm using the field 'VendorPartNumber' in the source table and 'ProductNumber' in the destination table to determine if the row already exists.  Can someone clue me in here?

Answer : Need help with SQL INSERT query

use not in,

try this query:
INSERT INTO tblProduct
                      (ProductNumber, IMProductNumber, ProductDescription, MSRP, IMPrice, Weight, Length, Width, Height, Taxable, fkManufacturer)
SELECT     TOP (5) tblIngramMicroImport.VendorPartNumber, tblIngramMicroImport.IMPartNumber,
                      tblIngramMicroImport.Description1 + ' ' + tblIngramMicroImport.Description2 AS Description, tblIngramMicroImport.RetailPrice,
                      tblIngramMicroImport.CustomerPrice, tblIngramMicroImport.Weight, tblIngramMicroImport.Length, tblIngramMicroImport.Width,
                      tblIngramMicroImport.Height, 1 AS Taxable, 1 AS fkManufacturer
FROM         tblIngramMicroImport 
where tblIngramMicroImport.VendorPartNumber not in
(select tblProduct_1.ProductNumber from tblProduct tblProduct_1)
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