Question : Report not refreshing CONTENT

string url = "";
  url += sStore + "&PackageID=" + sPkgID + "&StartDate=" + sRptDate + "&EndDate=" + sRptDate   + "&rc:ToolBar=False";
      RadHtmlPlaceholder1.SourceUrl = new System.Uri(url, UriKind.Absolute);
I am using above code to show report output from MS-SQL Server.  When I have "ToolBar=False" in above code, report works first time and second time if parameter values are same, report shows same content (looks like it is showing from CACHE).

I know this because after I change "ToolBar=True" in above code, report works all the times (even if I pass exactly same parameter values).  But I do not want to show the Toolbar.

How can I fix this?


Answer : Report not refreshing CONTENT


In the reporting services manager you should check under the Properties of the report / Execution, make sure it is set to always run the report with the latest data.  

It sounds like a snapshot problem.  
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