Question : SBS 2003 Error - Windows could not start because of an error in the software. Please report this problem as : load needed DLLs for kernel.

There is a major problem we need help with.
Our building had multiple power outages. On a reboot of the main SBS 2003 server, we received the following error:

"Windows could not start because of an error in the software. Please report this problem as : load needed DLLs for kernel."

I have already researched the following articles but I am not sure that they exactly apply. (I read somewhere that this may still apply)

I'm looking for more feedback as to what to do here.
We are completely down at this point.

Also I understand a in place upgrade is possible here, I think. I am hoping to hear from someone who has faced this and understand exactly what they did.

Thanks in advance.

Answer : SBS 2003 Error - Windows could not start because of an error in the software. Please report this problem as : load needed DLLs for kernel.

An upgrade, probably not.

A repair installation, probably.
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