Question : Access to SQL Server linked table problem

I have an Access query and 2 SQL Server linked tables. When I run the query, I
get the message "Single-row update/delete affected more than one row of a linked
table. Unique index contains duplicate values."

I get this error even if I remove all indexes from the linked SQL Server tables. I am actually trying to update 1000s of rows. Why would it think that I am trying to update a single row?

Here is how my query looks like:

UPDATE T1 INNER JOIN T2 ON (T1.[Fld1] = T2.Fld2) AND
(T1.[Fld3] = T2.[Fld3])
SET T1.Fld4 = Yes, T2.Fld5 = Yes
WHERE (((T1.Fld4)=No) AND ((T2.Fld5)=No));

Answer : Access to SQL Server linked table problem

SQL Server won't allow you to Update two tables at once in an UPDATE statement.
You'd use two statements executed sequentially to achieve the same result.
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