Question : Outlook emails


We have a huge mailing list (over 13 thousand) and a lot of emails bounce back, my assistant saved all the bounced emails into a folder in our shared drive. I do not want to open every email rather i want to merge all ofthem into a single text file where i can do a text search, is this possible? I am trying to figure out the bounce reason for each email adress.

Thank you!

Answer : Outlook emails

Two things:

1. the merged file should not be in the same folder as all the other files as this would cause it to try and append itself to itself.

2. in your command you havent got a \ between the c: and undeliverable.

I would suggest:
1. create your output file in the root of the C: drive, e..g
       copy con c:\undeliverable.txt
       CTRL&Z    (control & Z to close the file)
2. issue the command whilst in the c:\undeliverable folder:
      for /f %x in ('dir c: /B') do copy c:\undeliverable.txt + %x c:\undeliverable.txt

The alternative is to write a bit of vbscript to read through all the files and extract the information you require, e.g. recipient and reason for failure.  If you want to attach 5 or 6 example bounce messages I will write this for you.

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