Question : Problems with notification envelope icon showing up in Outlook.

I have Windown 2000 Pro with Office 2000.  Every time I get a new email in Oulook a envelope icon will show up in my toolbar next to the clock in the bottom right hand corner notifying me that "You have new unopened items"  I now get this new email icon message when i dont have new email in my outlook mailbox.  It is very misleading and I dont know what changed all of a sudden for my icon to start showing up even when i dont have new email messages.  Please help, let me know if i could be of more help by giving you more information.  Thank You

Answer : Problems with notification envelope icon showing up in Outlook.

Have you recently created a rule to move email from your inbox to another folder?  Any incoming email, regardless of being moved from your Inbox to another folder will trigger the notification icon.

If this isn't the case, do you have any filters on your Views that might be hiding email?

Do you have a 3rd party spam filter software that might be removing incoming messages?

Do you have Outlook setup as Internet Only or are you working in an Exchange environment?
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