Question : SBS 2003 - OWA external access issue

Thanks for your time.

DESCRIPTION: My company's running SBS 2003 R2 Prem, we've recently developed an issue with OWAafter installing and then removing Radius Authentication on the SBS box - prior to this time all was peachy.  

SYMPTOPMS: All users can access the Remote Web Workplace and authenticate correctly.  All resources displayed function correctly except "Read my Company email" - OWA.  All users can open OWA, but not all data is displayed.  

Visually, all menus are correct - toolbar and LHS folder navigation - it even displays the correct data relating to number of messages unread etc, but the actual contents of folders will not display.  This section remains blank with "Loading..." displayed.  

At the bottom LHS of the window, under the "Options" tab either "Error on page" or "Done" is displayed.  Double clicking this brings up 5 errors - Object Expected or Object doesn't support this property or method and Syntax Error - all relating to  "URL:"

Clicking on a menu icon forces you to then unsuccessfully authenticate - over and over - within the message viewing pane.

THINGS ATTEMPTED SO FAR: reissue certificates, reset passwords for both the IWAM_ComputerName account and the IUSR_ComputerName as per the following - . Looking for anything untoward in the ISA Logs mainly relating to the SBS Web Publishing Rule. Check the settings in IIS relating to mainly ExchWeb but also Exadmin, Exchange and exchange-oma.  Please don't make the assumption that my findings are correct feel free to tell me to suck eggs.  PLEASE NOTE that access via the internal network is sweeeeet - no issues internally.

Answer : SBS 2003 - OWA external access issue

Have you been through the "Loading" kb article:

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