Question : Sum only positive values in ACCESS 2003 table

I have a table with fifteen columns that need to be summed for a report.  There are about 150 rows BUT I only want to sum the positive values.  That is, say TotalApp column has 145 rows with a positive value, but five with a negative.  Is there an easy way to tell the query to only sum the 145 posuitive values and ignore the negative?  I know I can do an If statemnt in the format of Iif(TotalApp <0, 0, TotalApp) but I really do not want to have to do this for all fifteen columns as this is eventually going to be run from a code module and not the query pane.

Answer : Sum only positive values in ACCESS 2003 table

I'm not sure if this is any better logistic-wise but you can do this with a sub-query as well.

FROM (SELECT TotalApp FROM Table1 WHERE TotalApp > 0)
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