Question : Conert "text" to CTime

I have a date/time structure in a text file in the following format:
"21APR001219" which represents
Is there a single function that can convert this to a CTime class (or any date/time class or structure in VC++)?
I have been able to use mid, sscanf, and CTIME construct to accomplish this task. However, I was just wondering if there is any single function or a VERY limited group of functions that could be used instead.
P.S. The CTIME variable will eventually be loaded into SQL-server date/time field.(RFX)

This is some ROUGH code that I have created so far:
CString str_filetime ("21APR001219"); //Just for testing
CString str_fileDD(str_filetime.Mid(0,2)); //parse
CString str_fileYY(str_filetime.Mid(5,2));
int theDD, theYY ...
sscanf(str_fileDD, "%d", &theDD); //convert
sscanf(str_fileYY, "%d", &theYY);
CTime theDate((2000 + theYY), theMON, theDay, theHH, theMM, 0);//create


Answer : Conert "text" to CTime

I dont think there's any direct function that could get you a CTime from the format that you have given. But if you could change the STRING FORMAT of the datetime a little, then you could use the
ParseDateTime function of the COleDateTime class to directly get a COleDateTime member (it is more efficient that using a CTime anyway).

ParseDateTime( LPCTSTR lpszDate);

This can take any of the following formats of string datetimes.

"25 January 1996"
"January 25, 1996 8:30:00"
"8:30:00 Jan. 25, 1996"
"1/25/1996 8:30:00"  

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