Question : DateSold Field

I have a column called DateSold.  It shows the date that the customer was sold.  What I would like to do is to only show results that show the customers on their anniversary of datesold.  In other words.  This query I want it to show me Every customer that was sold on this date for every year.

So if I have four customers with different DateSolds
Bob  1/20/2010
Sue  1/15/2007
Carry 1/20/2004
Jim 1/20/1985

This query I would like to just see (Only three results) And so it only shows the month and day.
Bob  1/20
Jim 1/20
Carry 1/20
Code Snippet:
SELECT     AccountNumber, CustomerName, DateSold
FROM         Telebill.dbo.Accounts

Answer : DateSold Field

SELECT     AccountNumber, CustomerName,  RIGHT( CONVERT(varchar, DateSold, 112) ,4 )  DateSold
FROM         Telebill.dbo.Accounts
WHERE RIGHT( CONVERT(varchar, getdate(),112) ,4 ) = RIGHT( CONVERT(varchar, DateSold, 112) ,4 )
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