Question : How to refresh a Tree View from another Form

I have a feature on my form where it allows you to add additional items from a pop-up form.  When the pop-up form is closed the items are added to the appropriate table and everything executes the way it should except for one.  

I'd like to have the main form refreshed when the pop-up form is closed.  If I close the form and then came back into it, the items are there.  I tried several solutions like the Forms.Refresh option but nothing works.  The items are displayed in a Tree View format which I'm thinking might be the issue at hand.  

Any thoughts?  Thanks

Answer : How to refresh a Tree View from another Form

The issue has to be with the actual value being passed.  Put a break point on

Form_frmMain.fill_Tree True, Forms!frmMain.Form!Code.Value

and see what Forms!frmMain.Form!Code.Value

In fact ... try this instead:

Form_frmMain.fill_Tree True, Forms!frmMain!Code    

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