Question : Use pop up form to control web browser
Dear Experts
I am using Access 2003 & have a web browser [WebBrowser8] built into a form [Frm_People] I have created a number of predefined searches built into text boxes in the main form. These predefined searches are text boxes with a control source to run, for example a Google search using the persons name and the firm they work for.
These text boxes reside in the main form and are set as not visible.
Prior to adding on more predefined searches these were run from commands in the main form, which worked fine as a simple WebBrowser8.Navigate ([textbox]). But I now want to create a pop up form ("Pop_Frm_Rsch_Zone_People
d") to house all the commands as its neater, but I cannot get the pop up form to control the navigation on the main form:
This is what I am trying, can anyone help?
Private Sub GooglefullCMD_Click()
With Form_Frm_People
WebBrowser8.Navigate ([Txt_Google_Full])
End With
End Sub
Answer : Use pop up form to control web browser
Yes ... you'd have to do this:
gate Forms("SomeOtherForm").Som
Basically, you must correctly refer to the controls and their containing forms.
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