Question : <CollectionViewSource.Sort<wbr />Descriptio<wbr />n>

I am using visual studio 2008 and have created wpf web project.  I need to add the System.ComponentModel namespace to my XAML page but cannot find it!

I'm trying to do Description> and the
is throwing the error that I'm missing the assembly!

I've tried adding a reference to it, but cannot locate it.  Could you please advise?

Answer : <CollectionViewSource.Sort<wbr />Descriptio<wbr />n>

To Add namespaces to the XAML file, go to the top root like Window or UserControl etc and add the desired namespace.
Writing the 'xmlns:xyz=' will display the available namepasces, if its not there then you have to add the corresponding assembly.
Here 'xyz' acts like a key to access the classes present in this namespace.
BTW, NameSpace System.ComponentModel is present in WindowsBase assembly."
Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">

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