Question : What is blocking Remote Desktop?

What is blocking me from connecting by Remote Desktop to my targeted LAN pc?

On the remote pc in system properties Remote Users are allowed to connect to the pc remotely, I am on the permissions list of Remote Desktop Users, Terminal Service is started, the firewall is off,  the reg entry fDenyTSConnections is set to 0, 2 settings in gpedit are allowing terminal services connections, the version of remote desktop are the same on both pc's.

I am able to remote back to my original pc, but not to the target pc.  What else is there that I can check?

Answer : What is blocking Remote Desktop?

First, try to connect to terminal via LAN (not internet), if it works - you have a routing of port TCP 3389 to server problem.
If you cannot connect to server from local network - you have server configuration problem.
Write when you will know what problem - routing or server configuration it is.
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