Question : VBA formatting errors!
Hi Experts:
I am trying to send data from my excel to a formatted text(flat) file,in one column i have decimal values which are not going to the flat file
eg: if the value in the spreadsheet is 100.00 in the flat file i am seeing: 100
my code is below,can someone guide:
CashTicketReport = FreeFile() ------> sends data to flat file
CashTicketReportline = " "
, 3).NumberFormat = "0.00" -> formats datato decimal
RawCashAdjustmentAmount = headercell.Offset(IndexRow
, 3).Value
CashAdjustmentAmount = Format(Left$(RawCashAdjust
, 20), "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@")
CashTicketReportline = CashTicketReportline & CashAdjustmentAmount ->send to ff
Answer : VBA formatting errors!
Try changing..
RawCashAdjustmentAmount = headercell.Offset(IndexRow
, 3).Value
RawCashAdjustmentAmount = headercell.Offset(IndexRow
, 3).text
- If you use .value excel will pass the value without the formatting
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