Hello billb1057,
>> Questions -- does "^2" mean $F$1is squared?
Yes. In Excel, ^ is the exponentiation operator.
>> -- also, why does the minimum sample size only change from 191 for 1185 records to 224 for 12999 records?
>> Shouldn't the 12999 have a much bigger minimum sample?
Because the relationship between the required sample size and the total population is *not* linear. As the
population grows, as long as your sample is truly random, you reach a point of diminishing returns in terms
of required sample sizes.
Please have a look at the comment I posted to this article:
http://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/Internet/Web_Development/Marketing/Conducting-a-Survey.htmlIn it, I explain why the sample size requirements the author posted are correct. To get the same results, ignoring
rounding, set your confidence level to 95%, confidence interval to 3%, and percentage to 50%.