Question : Disable Enter key in Datagrid

I have a Datagrid with custom columns. These columns contain textboxes but also comboboxes and checkboxes. Now when a user presses the enter button when editing the values in a textfield column then a Datagrid event will be fired. This is something I totally not want. Is there a way to ignore the Enter key in a Datagrid? If I press enter in a textboxfield then the next row will be selected. I tried to catch the Enter key in the textboxes but it seems like they are overruled by this Datagrid event. Any idea to fix this problem?

Answer : Disable Enter key in Datagrid

Maybe a custom DataGrid will solve this:

Put this code in the same namesapce as your Form:

Public Class Jeffr0sDataGrid
    Inherits DataGrid

    Protected Overrides Function ProcessKeyPreview(ByRef m As System.Windows.Forms.Message) As Boolean
        If m.Msg = 256 Then
            Return False
        End If

        Return True
    End Function
End Class

Then change the code that instantiates the Grid like this:

        Me.DataGrid1 = New Jeffr0sDataGrid()

(The code for it is in the " Windows Form Designer generated code " area.)
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