Question : Access Form for Date Entry
Goal: Have the user select either TestDate or CommissionedDate from a combobox and then enter in a date into a text box. Then onclick event of the IDTag in the SubForm populate the selected field with the entered date.
Unbound Main Form with two controls:
Unbound Combo Box: cmbFieldName
Unbound Text Box : TestDate
Subform in datasheet view from table "Main-Master" displaying fields:
In the OnClick Event of IDTag I have the following Code:
= Me.Parent.TestDate
If I select TestDate from the combo box and enter in a date. Immediately upon clicking IDTag, the field TestDate is populated with Date from the TextBox. (This is what I want to happen) However, When I select CommissionedDate from the combo box. Immediately upon clicking IDTag nothing happens. BUT, when I change records on the subform or just click back on the main form again, the field gets updated.
Why do I have to change records for the field to get updated but only for one field and not both? I have several other forms throughout the database where I use this technique and it works fine. It is just this one form and the one field.
Please help... Thanks.
Answer : Access Form for Date Entry
Try this:
ieldName) = Me.Parent.TestDate
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