Question : SUMPRODUCT not working

Why isn't this working?
popvalue = WorksheetFunction.SumProduct((PopSheet.Range("Values")) * (PopSheet.Range("RepNum") = PopRep) * (PopSheet.Range("BudgetName") = PopBudget) * (PopSheet.Range("Dates") = DateSerial(Year(PopDate), Month(PopDate), 1)))

PopDate=01/01/2010 as Date
PopRep=100 as String
PopBudget=DAY SALE as String
PopValue as Double
PopSheet as Worksheet

I keep getting a "Type Mismatch" error

All 4 Named Ranges are Valid.

Typing the Same function into Excel works.
Removing the Last 3 Sections is the only way i can get any sort of Value
Code Snippet:
popvalue = WorksheetFunction.SumProduct((PopSheet.Range("Values")) * (PopSheet.Range("RepNum") = PopRep) * (PopSheet.Range("BudgetName") = PopBudget) * (PopSheet.Range("Dates") = DateSerial(Year(PopDate), Month(PopDate), 1)))

Answer : SUMPRODUCT not working

The SUMPRODUCT function in a worksheet formula is a very powerfull tool for applying array formula conditional logic to problems. From VBA however, the SumProduct function (available via the Application or Application.WorksheetFunctions objects) is not as flexible and complex array constucts cannot be used. The reason is the parameter typing is much more strict from VBA and each parameter passed to SumProduct must be an array - it cannot be a string. While the following example formula:


can be translated into a VBA form:

   MsgBox Application.SumProduct([A1:A10], [B1:B10])

This more complex version:


can not be translated.

To use the more complex forms of SUMPRODUCT syntax, use the Application.Evaluate function:

   MsgBox Application.Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((A1:A10=1)*B1:B10)")

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