Question : Import multiple Excel workbooks into a single Access Table
I wrote a timesheet in Excel for my company. Each Employee gets one Timesheet file per year. This Excel file has 52 tabs (one for each week). The user fills in their time each week and just saves the file. I have a Master file (also an Excel Workbook) that I open at the end of each week and click my "import data" button, and it imports the data by opening each file in the "Timesheets" directory, scrolling through each tab, and pulling the necessary data into an array. Then the array is output into this Master Excel file as one big table.
Our company is growing, so the data is getting pretty voluminous to hold in an Excel Workbook, so I want to try to import the data into Access (but I still want the Employees to use the Current Excel Spreadsheets.
Ok, the question: How do I write code in Access that will: 1. Open each Excel File in a directory 2. Scroll though each worksheet in the File 3. Pull the Data into an Access Table 4. Close the Excel Workbook.
Im using Access 2000.
Thanks for your help!
Answer : Import multiple Excel workbooks into a single Access Table
you can use a function like this
Function GetWorkbook() Dim objWkBook As Excel.Workbook Dim objSheet As Worksheet Dim strWBname As String Dim strWSname As String Dim i As Integer Dim intCount As Integer Dim strFilename, TblName, TableName As String Dim newFileName As String On Error GoTo GetWorkbook_Err strFilename = "c:\Test.xls" newFileName = Mid(Left$([strFilename], InStr(1, [strFilename], ".") - 1), 4)
TblName = newFileName Set objWkBook = GetObject("" & strFilename & "") strWBname = objWkBook.Name 'intCount = (objWkBook.Sheets.Count) - 1 ' use either of this two intCount = (objWkBook.Sheets.Count) ' this one works on mine
For i = 1 To (intCount) Set objSheet = objWkBook.Sheets(i) strWSname = objSheet.Name DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, _ "" & TblName & strWSname & "", strFilename, True, "" & strWSname & "!" Next i
objWkBook.Application.Quit Set objWkBook = Nothing Set objSheet = Nothing
GetWorkbook_Exit: Exit Function GetWorkbook_Err: ' Debug.Print i; intCount; strWSname MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description Resume GetWorkbook_Exit
End Function
This will move the excel files to your DB tables with names "Test(sheetname)" To test; Open the intermediate window and type getworkbook and hit the enter key