Question : Expand Indicator Not Showing in Datasheet View
I have an Access 2000 database which has several tables linked together using the Relationship Manager. I can view the table in Access 2000, and the Expand Indicator (little "+" sign) appears as the leftmost column, allowing me to view the related data.
When I open this same file in 2007, the Expand Indicator does not appear. I have converted the database to 2007 format, and that does not work either.
To be specific, I expect to double click a table name in the Tables group, have it appear in Datasheet view, and show the Expand Indicator as the leftmost column.
Why does it not work? Where do I go to make it appear?
Answer : Expand Indicator Not Showing in Datasheet View
from this link: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/access/HP052362201033.aspx
the value of the SubdatasheetName property can be set to a specific table or query in the database; or it can be set to None, in which case no subdatasheet will be created. To return to the default behavior, set the value of the SubdatasheetName property to Auto.